Sunny celebration: how to set up the ideal summer wedding in Sydney

Sydney is a dream wedding city. With its beachy, elegant landscape and gorgeous summer weather, this city is one that truly encapsulates the joy and fun of summer nuptials. The summer wedding season is just about upon us, so we thought we would share some healthy tips about staying safe, cool and hydrated when your mate’s big day falls on one of the city’s hotter days.

It’s easy to get swept up in the big day’s excitement, but at least try to remember some of the following important pieces of advice, just so you don’t wake up with a hangover accompanied by some truly unpleasant sunburn:

  • Keep cool

Take it from the best professional wedding photography in Sydney – we’ve seen many a guest suffer in the summer heat! That’s because these momentous occasions are often replete with long periods of sitting or standing. For organisers, it’s important not to leave your guests roasting in the sun for too long.

Be sure to provide them with an outlet for heat relief. Whether this means having an air conditioned indoor room available (especially for the oldies!) or have ushers handing out ice cold water and wet towels, it is imperative that you provide heat relief on a summer marriage!

  • Send invites early

Summer is the time of year that Sydneysiders love to get out of town. Whether to the beach, the mountains or somewhere completely different, you want to be ahead of holiday plans to ensure that any important guests can plan their trips around your special day. Sounds selfish? It’s really not – their holiday can wait – your big day really can’t. So, be sure to send out invites months in advance, and with an RSVP date to ensure that your loved ones have plenty of time to save the date.

  • Avoid heavy meals

Heat and heavy meals are an unpleasant combination. The last thing you want is for your guests to fall into a bloated, heat-induced food coma before the band starts playing the classics. The best choice for a summer special day is finger food, grilled entrees and fresh fruit and veggies. When it comes to drinks, you might want to provide the option of frozen daiquiris as beers can weigh one down on a hot summer’s day.

For the kids, provide the option of icy poles and slurpees. After all, these are some of a kid’s favourite things regardless of being at a wedding or not – they’ll be thrilled!

  • Consider an indoor ceremony

What? In summer? Are you mad? No, we’re not. Imagine your guests roasting away in the summer sun whilst you stand up there at your shaded altar – there’ll be mutiny! Wedding ceremonies typically last just long enough for someone to succumb to heat stroke and multitudes to leave looking like boiled lobsters, so avoid a midday ceremony in the sun – it will set the tone for a fun, unburnt evening!

  • Dress for the heat

Because it’s not the 1930s, and you and your guests shouldn’t be expected to swelter away in full tuxedo and corsets. Dress accordingly by keeping it light and airy. Don’t overdo the layers and even have a change of clothes available if things get a little too sweaty before you’ve even hit the dancefloor.

  • Don’t forget the SPF

There will still be plenty of transportation through the summer sun even if you do hold an indoor wedding ceremony. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that you and your guests have plenty of sunscreen and water to accompany the journey from the ceremony to reception and beyond!

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