Pricing for explainer videos: Freelancers vs. Firms (The Most True Comparison)

As fun as explainer videos, creating them is not really a cakewalk, and sometimes the cost can often make brand managers think twice.

Launches are super important, but so is the pricing. And, to help you with all that, we’ve come with a whole new comprehensive guide on explainer video pricing.

We won’t just dive deep into the cost of agencies, or explainer companies, but also give a close look into the benefits and limitations of hiring freelancers for the same gig.

It’s comprehensive guide, but pretty well-structured though.

So, read on, or skim, if you wish to.

But, before we dive right into our comparison, here’s something really interesting. If you’re already familiar with explainer videos (how they’re made and what they really do), then it will be more like a revision for you.

However, if you’re new to the crew, make sure to check out these closely. These factors are likely to impact explainer video pricing for any scope of project.

Table of Contents

Understanding Pricing Factors

Before delving into the options, it’s essential to understand the factors that influence explainer video pricing. These include:

Budget: The starting point for any project.

Information Complexity: The nature and depth of the information to be conveyed.

Video Length: The duration required to effectively communicate the message.

Visual Style: The type of explainer video, such as 2D animation, whiteboard, or motion graphics.

Editing Needs: Different edits for various platforms like landing pages, social media, or presentations.

Timeline: The urgency of the project.

Multiple Videos: Whether a series of videos with different styles is required.

Marketing Strategy: Whether the video requires a comprehensive marketing plan.

Answering these questions provides clarity and helps estimate the explainer video cost more accurately.

Option 1: Professional Explainer Video Agency ($4500 – $10,000+)

Choosing a professional explainer video agency offers a full-service experience. From initial meetings to the final product, these agencies provide a seamless process. Benefits include:

Experienced Team: A full team of professionals with a track record of working together.

Portfolio Assurance: A showcase of previous work ensures the quality you can expect.

Reduced Hassle: Less work for the client, with a dedicated project manager for communication.

Brand Representation: Confidence that your brand is being represented in the best possible way.

This option is suitable for most businesses seeking high-quality explainer videos. Prices typically start at $4500, varying based on project complexity.

Option 2: Hire Freelancers (Costs Vary)

Freelancers offer flexibility, especially for specific elements of an explainer video. However, relying entirely on freelancers has its drawbacks:

Higher Costs: Freelancers often charge 2-4 times more than agency employees due to the nature of freelance work.

Inconsistency: Dealing with uneven workloads, potential gaps between jobs, and client payment issues.

Team Coordination: Challenges in assembling and aligning schedules for a team of freelancers who may not have worked together before.

The cost of freelancers for producing explainer videos can vary from $1600 to $13000. It’s worth knowing that factors such as complexity, experience, location, and quality will determine pricing. Freelance platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Guru, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour can help in connecting with top freelance talent around the globe.

Option 3: Hiring An Explainer Video Company ($4500 – $10,000+)

Opting for a company combines the benefits of a professional agency with a specialized focus on animated videos. This option is ideal for those looking for a comprehensive video creation process.

The Cost of explainer videos can vary greatly from $4500 to $10000.

Advantages include:

Established Team: A cohesive team with extensive experience in working together.

Portfolio Quality: Assurance of the production house’s work quality.

Reduced Client Work: A smoother process with less client involvement in the nitty-gritty details.

Project Manager: A dedicated point of contact for seamless communication.

This option offers a balance between quality and cost, making it a popular choice for businesses.

Option 4: Hiring A Full-Service Marketing Agency ($15,000 – $100,000+)

If you’re not an expert for the video marketing game, then this option might just do wonders for you. Partnering up with a marketing agency allows you to look into your video content from a strategic viewpoint.

As a result, you can maximize the profit from the launch of your campaigns. Prices can vary between $15000 and $100000.

For the price, here’s what you can expect as an addition;

Benefits include:

Marketing Expertise: Access to a team that can strategize and maximize the video’s return on investment.

Comprehensive Solutions: Beyond video creation, assistance with broader marketing goals.

Even though it seems a good option, most brands tend to outsource video production to animation explainer video production company.


Lets’ wrap this one up. The debate between freelancers and agencies can go on and on. But what you need will depend upon your unique needs for the explainer video, and your budget constraints.
While freelancers may be suitable for specific elements, a professional explainer video agency or production company offers a more cohesive and cost-effective solution for a comprehensive video creation process.

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